United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Official Website
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by all developed and developing countries in a global partnership, which include: 1. No Poverty, 2. Zero Hunger, 3. Good Health and Well-being, 4. Quality Education, 5. Gender Equality, 6. Clean Water and Sanitation, 7. Affordable and Clean Energy, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 10. Reduced Inequalities, 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12. Responsible Consumption and Production, 13. Climate Action, 14. Life Below Water, 15. Life on Land, 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, 17. Partnerships for the Goals
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Search a collection of important scholarly journals representing a range of disciplines.
Seek "Topic" tab and select "environment" or "Green and sustainable development" for an array of stats and key documents; sorts nicely by country.
Sustainability is not a neutral topic, and this group promotes democracy, human rights, and provides arbitration for the settlement of disagreements and disputes of member countries.
Advocating for economic development which is equitable and ecologically sound, globally.