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Ethical Collaboration in the Digital Humanities

This guide is for scholars of DH to use as they plan collaborative projects. It walks scholars through thinking about position, communication, documentation, with the ultimate goal of creating fair, equitable, and sustainable work.


More Resources

If you would like to explore more in the wide field of ethical collaboration in digital humanities, there is a lot to discover and dive into. Below, are Lib Guides, organizations, recommended journals and publications, resources specific to Duke University, and a PDF with further articles.


Lib Guides

  1. Digital Humanities @ Duke University Libraries. (2021, revised). Duke University Libraries.

A comprehensive overview of Digital Humanities at Duke, with resources, organizations, and faculty and staff to contact.

  1. Murack, J. (n.d.). LibGuides: Citation Management and Writing Tools: Research & Collaboration Tools. Retrieved August 31, 2021, from

Murack of MIT offers software and app resources for research groups looking to create collaborative documents or annotations on articles.

  1. Pannabecker, G. (n.d.). Research Guides: Team Science and Collaborative Research: What is Team Science? Retrieved August 31, 2021, from

The field of Team Science has so much to offer collaborative researchers in DH. This LibGuide has a tab specifically focused on writing collaborative agreements prior to beginning research.

  1. Zoss, A. (2020). Project Management - LibGuides at Duke University. Duke University Libraries.

This encouraging guide by Duke’s own Angela Zoss provides a primer on key skills for scholars and students new to project management.

Journals, Databases, Publications

Publications (Blogs, Anthologies, Special Issues)

  1. Bethany Nowviskie. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2021, from

The blog of DH scholar and critic Bethany Nowviskie. Worth scrolling through if you are interested in the ongoing conversations in DH around collaboration, the treatment of alt-acs, and the Anthropocene.

  1. Debates in the Digital Humanities. (n.d.). Debates in the Digital Humanities. from

There are selections from various editions of this renowned publication, and many more there was not room or reason to include that were considered for this article. All volumes are available through Duke and are worth carefully looking through.

  1. Graban, T. S., Marty, P., Romano, A., & Vandegrift, M. (Eds.). (2019). Special Issue: Invisible Labor in the Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 013(2).

Special Issue of DHQ focusing on invisible work, led by scholars who also lead the symposium of the same name. Relevant to scholars concerned with labor rights.

  1. Griffin, G., Hamberg, K., & Lundgren, B. (Eds.). (2013). The social politics of research collaboration. Taylor & Francis Group.

An anthology of essays on research collaboration in DH, focusing on how social dynamics play out in a group setting. Especially useful if you are going to be involved in project management of a large project.

  1. Kim, D. (2018). Disrupting the digital humanities (1st edition). Punctum Books.

An open-access publication focusing on the experiences of marginalized DH scholars is an incredible resource, especially for equity-focused scholars.

  1. McCarty, [edited] by M. D. and W. (2012). Collaborative research in the digital humanities. Farnham, Surrey, England; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub., c2011.

An anthology of essays on collaborative research. One piece was included in this LibGuide (“No Job for Techies”), but the rest is worth your time if you are interested.

  1. The Scholarly Tales – For and by researchers, librarians and other scholarly folk at KU Leuven’s Faculty of Arts. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2021, from

A blog run by researchers and librarians at DH Commons (listed under organizations). Contains listing of virtual events run for DH scholars, and discussions of common issues in DH.

Organizations and Initiatives

Organizations and Initiatives

  1. DH Center Net -

International network of DH centers to promote collaboration for the benefit of the field

  1. DH Commons -

Aims to assist scholars in finding collaborative projects, with many relevant resources and virtual seminars.

  1. FSU Digital Scholars –

While this wordpress blog is defunct, this website still has a ton of invaluable resources available, from keynote speeches at symposium’s and recommended reading on many topics including: data colonialism, labor, and other collaborative ethics concerns.

Resources at Duke

Further Readings PDF