This guide is a companion to Black Lives in Archives Day, the April 1, 2024 event showcasing Black print culture in the collections of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
The John Hope Franklin Research Center for African and African American History and Culture in the Rubenstein Library is celebrating 25 years of promoting and advancing scholarship on the history and culture of Africa and the people of the African Diaspora in the Americas. This event features a sample of the Center's collections, and participants are able to browse rare print and book collections, chat with curators about the collections, and explore Black primary source material that spans a variety of topics.
Each section of this guide lists the items displayed on tables in Rubenstein Library's Gothic Reading Room during the event. Follow links for each item to its library catalog or collection guide record, including options to request items to view later in the Rubenstein Library Reading Room.
The Black Lives in Archives Day Committee planned this event and selected items for display:
Liz Adams, April Blevins, Kate Collins, John Gartrell, Rachel Ingold, Leah Kerr, Alex Odum, Heather Martin, Lucy Vanderkemp