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BIOLOGY 495: Scientific Argument in Writing

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Hannah Rozear
Perkins 233
Email me:
Call me: 919-660-5368

Undergrad Honors Theses in DukeSpace

Recommended Literature Databases

AI Research Tools

Library Tips

Getting the Full-Text of Articles

Some databases only provide abstracts and not the full-text of articles.  Look for the Get It @ Duke button  or a link labeled "full text" near an article citation and click on it to see if the library provides online access. Highly recommend installing the Libkey Nomad browser extension for instant access to PDFs.

Interlibrary Request

If the library doesn't provide access to a particular article or book, you can still get it through interlibrary request. For each article or book, fill out the form. The same service provides books and print journals that are in Duke's off-site storage.

Off-Campus Access to E-Resources

Most online library databases and journals can be accessed off-campus via proxy server. You will need to connect to these electronic resources using your NetID and password. Details are here.

Library Privileges for Undergraduate Honors Students

While working on honors theses, undergraduates have many of the same privileges as graduate students, including extended loan periods and dedicated study space. Details are here.