“The sun never sets on the British Empire.” The Rubenstein Library contains innumerous collections and items related to the history of British colonialism. This library guide offers a broad sample of materials from the seventeenth through the late nineteenth centuries, primarily focusing on the themes of politics, diplomacy, trade (including the global slave trade) and travel. While the source guides for these themes are not comprehensive, they should provide a good start for any student interested in these topics.
Additionally, we have listed below some broad "Subject Heading" keyword searches within the library catalogue that will help you get started researching these topics. These searches have been filtered to include only materials housed in the Rubenstein's collections, but you can add other filters in the columns on the left-hand side of the web page, including Resource Type, Topic, Genre, Author, About Places, and About Time Period. The Subject Heading searches listed here are intentionally broad, but you can add additional subject headings should you wish to narrow your search further.