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- Goitein, S. D.
- A Mediterranean society; the Jewish communities of the Arab world as portrayed in the documents of the Cairo Geniza.
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1967-1993.
Perkins/Bostock Library DS135.L4 G658 1967 v.1-6 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: v. 1. Economic foundations.--v. 3. The family.--v.4. Daily life.--v. 5. The individual -- v. 6. Cumulative indices.
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- Kuran, Timur.
- Mahkeme kayıitları ışığında 17. yüzyıl İstanbul'unda sosyo-ekonomik yaşam = Social and economic life in seventeenth-century Istanbul : glimpses from court records.
İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası, 2010-
Perkins/Bostock Library HC493.I85 M34 2010 v.1-8 Check availability @ Duke
Table of Contents: cilt 1. Esnaf ve loncalar. Hıristiyan ve Yahudi cemaat işleri. Yabancılar = vol. 1. Guilds and guildsmen. Communal affairs of Christians and Jews. Foreigners -- cilt 2. Ticari ortaklıklar = vol. 2 Commercial partnerships -- cilt 3. Devlet-toplum ilişkileri, 1602-19 = vol. 3. State-subject relations, 1602-19 -- cilt 4. Devlet-toplum ilişkileri, 1661-97 = vol. 4. State-subject relations, 1661-97 -- cilt 5-6. Vakiflar (1606-17) = v. 5-6. Waqfs, 1606-17.v
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