User Manual and associated documentation.
YouTube channel: lots of short how-to videos. Some of them are old or may illustrate features available only in the GeoIQ commercial version (not the free version), so the interface or features depicted may differ from the current free GeoCommons.
GeoIQ blog
GeoIQ developer blog
GeoCommons Twitter feed and
GeoIQ Twitter feed.
#geocommons hashtags and
#geoiq hashtags in Twitter.
@geocommons mentions and
@geoiq mentions in Twitter.
GeoCommons is a free geospatial data storage, visualization, and analysis tool made by GeoIQ, Inc. The commercial version, with enhanced features, is known as GeoIQ Enterprise.
Create a free account (big orange link on home page) to upload your data or to create maps, but anyone can search and download data.
Use GeoCommons to:
GeoCommons consists of two main components:
Although many aspects are unique to a free, online mapping product, GeoCommons has need for improvement in several areas to enhance its competitiveness with other products. These include: