Once you have successfully located an item in the catalog, there are a number of ways to access it.
Clicking on will show you a map of where the item is located. Remember to save the call number so you can find it on the shelf.
Check if this can be requested for delivery if it's located in the Library Service Center or one of the professional school libraries (Ford, Law, Medical Center, Divinity).
means an electronic version of this item is available for viewing in your web browser (if you're off campus, you will need to authenticate with your NetID/password).
The following links provide additional information on finding material in the Libraries:
Stuck? Ask a Librarian!
Search in Books & Media to find print and online books, films, music--everything EXCEPT articles (which can be found in the Articles and Research Databases links).
Start with a Keywords search, using words that describe your topic, and see what you find. That can lead you to relevant Subject Headings like::
Photo: Sony / A24 / MGM / WB