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LSEG Workspace: SDC Platinum

LSEG Workspace aka Refinitiv Workspace aka Workspace(WS) contains market data, company financials and filings, earnings estimates, transaction data, analyst research, and more

LSEG Workspace SDC Platinum

SDC Platinum is an app module within LSEG Workspace(WS) that contains the following sub-modules: Global New Issues, Mergers & Acquisitions, Municipal Bonds, Corporate Governance, Infrastructure, and Private Equity.

If you do not have a Workspace account, create one as shown below and type "SDC"  or "SDC Platinum" in the main search bar and selected the desired sub-module option.

  • Corporate Governance - includes access to poison pills and shareholder activism data.
  • Global New Issues - provides global coverage of equity, bond, and loan new issues.
  • Infrastructure fka Global Public Finance includes access to data on project finance, Belt & Road Initiatives, and MENA projects.
  • Mergers & Acquisitions - includes detailed data on global M&A activity, joint ventures, and repurchases.
  • Municipal Bonds - contains data on US and international municipal new issues.
  • Private Equity - contains data on exits, fundraising, and investments

Create a Workspace Account

» New users must self-register for a personal account in order to access data.

» Current LSEG Workspace User Login

Training Videos

Online training (a personal account on LSEG Workspace is required to view links)