Compiled by: Holly Ackerman, Ph.D., Librarian for Latin American, Iberian & Latino Studies, Duke University Libraries
Content of the Bibliography
The primary selection criterion for inclusion in this bibliography is the extent to which each item treats the subject of rafting. All or a substantial portion of the work must be dedicated to the rafter phenomenon.
Second, the material needs to be based in direct experience or, for non-participant authors, to be well grounded theoretically and methodologically. Basically, any participant in events who has published is included. The reason for this is simply to give readers detailed description from the rafters themselves and to draw attention to hard to find materials that researchers might otherwise be unable to locate. Testimonial accounts are marked with an asterisk (*).
Formats include: non-fiction books, journal articles, dissertations, film, archives, government publications, occasional papers, reports & proceedings.
Journalistic production on this subject is so extensive that it is impossible to gather and evaluate this category. The same is true of the extensive literature on the case of rafter Elián González and on the Mariel Boatlift. This bibliography is a living thing and readers are encouraged to submit citations that may have been overlooked to . The author will update the bibliography at intervals.
“Diaspora,” by artist Leandro Soto.
* Indicates a book of testimony written by a rafter or social service provider who worked directly with rafters or other participant in the rafter crisis.
Most dissertations can be found in full text in the database Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global, available at many university libraries.
Artist: Sergio Lastres, 1994, Guantánamo Bay, Cuba
Drawing made by Cuban child held at Guantánamo Bay, 1994
Brenner, G. H. (2010). The expected psychiatric impact of detention in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and related considerations. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 11(4), 469-487.
Wester, Richard J. 2011. "Learning from Operation Able Manner." United States Naval Institute.Proceedings 137 (8): 34-39.
Rafters washed up in the Cayman Islands, 2008
Cuban camps at the U.S. Naval Station, Guantánamo Bay, 1994-1995
Page from el éxodo, a rafter-made newspaper from the Cuban camps at the Guantánamo Bay Naval Station, 1995. Artist, Alexis Calzadilla Garcell
For a full run of el éxodo and other rafter newspapers see, Caribbean Sea Migration Digital Collection at the Duke University Libraries.