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Library Resources for iMEP Students

Hello! Welcome to Duke University Libraries Guide for the International Master of Environmental Policy program. This guide serves as a hub for library resources. Please use the side navigation to toggle between different resources.

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Using the library

Off-Campus Access to E-Resources

Most online library databases and journals can be accessed off-campus through EZProxy. You will need to connect to these e-resources using your net ID and password by going through the library website.

Getting the Full-Text to Articles

Many databases only provide abstracts and not the full-text of articles.  Look for the Get It @ Duke button (the Get It @ Duke icon) near an article citation and click on it to see if the library provides online access. Learn more about other resources for getting full-text access.

Interlibrary Request

If the library doesn't provide online access to a particular article, you can still get it through Interlibrary Request. For each article you want, complete an Interlibrary Loan Request.

Getting Master's Projects

Master's Projects from recent years can be found online at DukeSpace.

Getting Dissertations and Theses BEYOND Duke

 ProQuest Dissertations - Mostly doctoral dissertations from other institutions from across the world.

Key article databases


Public Policy

Top news sources

Animated icon of a newspaper with the word NEWS at the top.When researching a recent topic, consider utilizing news sources for up-to-date information. News outlets are particularly useful when scholarly research on your topic is limited. However, exercise caution by critically evaluating bias and authority whenever consuming news. 

Reference resources


Animated icon of two books on a shelf swaying.Encyclopedias serve as valuable reference materials for academic research and writing as they provide detailed information on a wide range of topics. Encyclopedias often direct readers to important researchers and recommend relevant books and articles for further study.


Animated icon of a dictionary with tabs.Dictionaries provide users with clear, concise definitions of terms, especially academic jargon that can slow down the learning process. Maybe you're a first-year student new to a subject or a graduate student working on an interdisciplinary project—subject dictionaries can help get you up to speed.

Reference collections

Animated icon of an open book with a mortarboard on top.If you're looking for one spot to locate multiple reference works in either one or multiple subjects, check out these online collections of encyclopedias, dictionaries, articles, and other reference works.