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Do some searching by subject and find fabulous resources
available from the Duke University Libraries.
Here are some subject headings to play with:
Grotowski, Jerzy, 1933-1999>Criticism and interpretation
The New Play Exchange, a National New Play Network project, is the world’s largest digital library of scripts by living writers.
Search for the full text of plays by American Indian, First Nation, and Pacific Islanders playwrights of the 20th century.
Contains plays from the earliest Greek works through the present day, in text, video, and audio formats. Includes background and contextual works on playwrights, theater movements, genres, practitioners and periods, as well as scholarly monographs, dictionary content, and practical books on acting and stage craft.
Duke has access to the following modules:
--Classic Spring Oscar Wilde Collection
--Core Collection
--Critical Studies and Performance Practice
--Global Plays Collection 1
--The Hollow Crown
--National Theatre Collection 1, 2, 3
--Nick Hern Books Modern Plays
--Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) Live Collection
--Shakespeare Video Collection
--Shakespeare's Globe on Screen
--Shakespeare’s Globe to Globe Festival on Screen 1 & 2
--Stratford Festival Shakespeare Collection 1 & 2
--Theatre Communications Group (TCG) Books Play Collection
Search in Books & Media to find print and online books, films, music--everything EXCEPT articles (which can be found in databases and online journals).
Here are some eBooks that you have access to; search in the online catalog for even more!