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Writing 101: Climate Justice

Summer II 2023

Elements of a citation

Example APA article citation (click to enlarge)

Common elements of an article citation
  • Author(s)
  • Year
  • Article title
  • Source title (Journal, Magazine, or Newspaper)
  • Volume & issue
  • Pages
  • DOI, if applicable, as URL

Example APA book citation (click to enlarge)

Common elements of a book citation
  • Author(s)
  • Year
  • Book title
  • Edition, if applicable
  • Publisher location
  • Publisher
  • DOI or URL, if applicable



Citation management tools

Citation tools allow you to save and organize your research. They also let you create formatted bibliographies in Word.

Endnote product logo

Downloadable as a standalone program from OIT, EndNote is a powerful citation tool for organizing your research and creating formatted citations. In addition to the standalone option, you can create an EndNote Web account.

This feature will look for and then download full-text PDFs of articles in your references. You will have to authenticate with your NetID so that EndNote knows which journals you can access through Duke Libraries.

  1. Get to your preferences by going to Edit > Preferences
  2. Choose Find Full Text
  3. Make sure OpenURL is checked and enter into the OpenURL Path field
  4. Enter into the Authenticate URL field
  5. Click OK

Zotero product logo

Downloadable as a standalone program or a Firefox extension, Zotero is designed to store content in any format, including PDFs, images, audio and video files, and snapshots of web pages. Zotero operates with thousands of sites, and automatically indexes your library for ease of access. Zotero is open access (free!).