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Writing 101: Critical Perspectives on Social Inequality and Sport: Finding Articles

Research guide for Dr. Nathan Kalman-Lamb's course

Use the Databases to Find Articles

Finding Specific Articles and Databases Using the Librares' Search Tools

  1. To begin your research, find the full text of a specific article by using the library's Articles search on the Duke Libraries homepage.
  2. Limit to Peer-reviewed or scholarly titles by clicking the box under the search box.
  3. Find specific research databases (ex. SportDiscus) by using the Research Databases page.

Can't find the article? Request articles that Duke does not own by using document delivery.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar limits your results to academic resources.


To get the link when using Google Scholar off campus, go to Scholar Settings and choose Duke from Library Links.

You can also set your preferred citation tool (Endnote, Refworks) in Scholar Settings to export citations directly..

Finding Articles