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WRITING 230SK: Writing Across Cultures: Walden International: Finding Articles

Research guide for Patrick Morgan's Duke Kunshan course, Spring 2016


Finding Specific Articles, Journals, and Databases

  1. Find the full text of a specific article by using the library's Articles search.
  2. Find specific journals by title (ex. Social Science & Medicine) using the Online Journal Titles page.
  3. Find specific research databases  (ex. Pubmed) using the Research Databases page.

Can't find the article? Request articles that Duke Kunshan/Duke do not own by using document delivery.

Google Scholar Tips

Note: Click on  to expand to full screen. Advance slides forward and backward with arrows. 

How do I get to Google Scholar?

Finding a general database

General databases are good places to start when looking for articles on a research topic.

Finding a subject-specific database

The library subscribes to hundreds of specialized databases on subject areas ranging from engineering to art history. Here's how to begin using subject-specific databases: