Search for downloadable statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources on over 600 industries
Repository of empirical datasets from participating US federal agencies.
Statistical Abstract of the United States. 1878-2012. Proquest Statistical Abstract of the U.S. 2013-present
Perkins/Bostock Ref. Desk C 3.134:
Earlier editions also online, and older paper editions in Public Documents Stacks.
Published annually from 1878 to 2012 by the Bureau of the Census, and now by ProQuest. This is a standard national data book for United States statistics. The footnotes also provide a guide to other statistical sources.
Historical Statistics of the United States
Good for long statistical summarized time series relating to the USA, mostly derived from government data, most at the national or state level. Also in paper at Perkins/Bostock Ref. Desk HA202 .H57 2006.
FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data)
A wealth of empirical data on the US economy. Lots of long time series. Also links to Alfred (ArchivaL Federal Reserve Economic Data) and other related collections of Fed data and publications.
Search for World Bank data, including World Development indicators (WDI). This is an open access database.
Search for statistics and publications from the International Monetary Fund. This is an open access database.
Search for articles and books published by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) since 1998. This is an open access database.