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ECON 371: Labor and Family Economics: Econ Data

Prof. McElroy

Broad topical coverage

US Economic Data
Repository of empirical datasets from participating US federal agencies.

Statistical Abstract of the United States.  1878-2012. Proquest Statistical Abstract of the U.S.  2013-present
Perkins/Bostock Ref. Desk C 3.134:
Earlier editions also online, and older paper editions in Public Documents Stacks.
Published annually from 1878 to 2012 by the Bureau of the Census, and now by ProQuest. This is a standard national data book for United States statistics. The footnotes also provide a guide to other statistical sources.

Historical Statistics of the United States
Good for long statistical summarized time series relating to the USA, mostly derived from government data, most at the national or state level. Also in paper at Perkins/Bostock Ref. Desk HA202 .H57 2006.

FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data)
A wealth of empirical data on the US economy.  Lots of long time series.  Also links to Alfred (ArchivaL Federal Reserve Economic Data) and other related collections of Fed data and publications.

Local Areas: Labor, Employment, and Income

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Geographic Guide
    An easy-to-use matrix showing data availability by geographic coverage.
    Levels: State, metropolitan area, county
  • Current Employment Statistics (CES)
    An employer survey (location represents place of work) of the BLS with detailed industry data on employment, hours, and earnings. See LAUS, below, for a corresponding household survey.
    Levels: State, metropolitan area
  • Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)
    A program of the BLS that "produces monthly and annual employment, unemployment, and labor force data ... by place of residence" (i.e., a household survey, not by place of employment). See CES, above, for a corresponding employer survey.
    Levels: Census Region, Census Division, state, metropolitan area, county, many cities
  • Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Program (LEHD)
    A Census Bureau program that "creates statistics on employment, earnings, and job flows at detailed levels of geography and industry and for different demographic groups. In addition, the LEHD program uses these data to create partially synthetic data on workers' residential patterns." 
  • Occupational Employment Statistics
    A program of the BLS that produces employment and wage estimates annually for over 800 occupations.
    Levels: State, metropolitan area
  • Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
    An employer survey of the BLS that publishes a quarterly count of employment and wages as reported by employers, available by industry.
    Levels: National, state, metropolitan area, county
  • Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)
    The SAIPE program from the Census Bureau produces annual estimates of income and poverty statistics for .
    Levels: States, counties, school district

International and Non-US Data
