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Gallup Analytics Microdata: Getting Started

Gallup Analytics Microdata

Gallup Analytics provides access to data from several Gallup polls, including the World Poll, the US Daily tracking poll, and historical data from the Gallup Poll Social Series.  As a part of the subscription, Gallup makes available anonymized, individual microdata for some of their surveys. 

Microdata extracts are available to all students, faculty, and staff.  Data cannot be shared beyond the Duke community.

Contact to get access to Gallup Analytics Microdata.


Primary Datasets

Gallup Poll Social Series

The Gallup Poll Social Series (GPSS) poll is a monthly topical polling series that Gallup has been conducting since 2001. Each poll in the series focuses on a specific topic area and we include questions like Presidential Approval from our Politics/Economics Poll on each of these surveys.

There are 12 files, one containing the data for each monthly topic and unique codebook.

January – Mood of the Nation Poll
February – World Affairs Poll
March – Environment
April – Economy and Personal Finance
May – Values and Beliefs
June – Minority Relations (Survey only ran until 2016)
July – Consumption
August – Work and Education
September – Governance
October – Crime
November – Healthcare
December – Lifestyle (Survey only ran from 2001-2008)


US Daily Tracking Poll

The U.S. Daily Tracking Poll cover the United States from 2009 to 2019. You can view the entire US (aggregate) or select an MSA (note that data are not available for each MSA or for each year).  Also included in this series is the Gallup National Health and Well-Being Index beginning in 2019. 


World Poll

The World poll includes respondents from almost every country and their answers to a variety of circumstantial questions and opinions on current events.  This poll covers from 2006 to the present.  Gallup typically surveys 1,000 individuals in each country.


Additional Datasets

 Gallup Panel COVID-19 and Wellbeing Survey

The Gallup Panel COVID 19 Survey started in March 2020 and has been utilized to track American attitudes on topics related to the COVID 19 Pandemic – including wellbeing. These surveys were conducted using the Gallup Panel – a nationally representative panel of U.S. adults. In Q2 2023, the survey was adjusted to focus on the topic of wellbeing.


Confidence in Institutions Survey

Starting in 1973, Gallup started measuring the confidence level in several US institutions like Congress, Presidency, Supreme Court, Police, etc. The included dataset includes data from 1973-2023 and data is collected once per year.


Honesty and Ethics in Professions Survey

Starting in 1976, Gallup started measuring US perceptions of the honesty and ethics of a list of professions. The included dataset includes data ranging from 1976-2023.


Religion Battery (1999-2023)

Consolidated list of items focused on religion in the US from 1999-2023.

Librarian for Political Science, Public Policy, and Sociology

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Ryan Denniston

Perkins 233
PO Box 90175
Durham, NC 27708