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Searching for Case Studies in Engineering: Getting Started


Harvard Business Review                       General management magazine covering topics related to leadership, negotiation, strategy, operations, marketing, and finance.
MIT Technology Review World-renowned, independent media company whose insight, analysis, reviews, interviews and live events explain the newest technologies and their commercial, social and political impacts.

MIT Sloan Management Review             

Research-based magazine covering topics related to data, AI, & machine learning, automation, ethics, technology implementation, and innovation strategy.


Science & Engineering Librarian

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Deric Hardy

Perkins 233
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Call me: 919-660-5928

What are Case Studies in Engineering

A "case study" is a research approach that is used to generate an in-depth, multi-faceted understanding of a complex issue in its real-life context (Crowe et al., 2011).
Keywords: Case Study, Case Studies, Case Review, Case Design, Case(s)

Strategies for Searching Databases

*Click the image to expand

Demo Search Web of Science for Engineering Case Studies <link>

Strategies for Searching Google for Case Studies

Effective Google Search Strategies

  • Helps you find credible sources other than scholarly articles and books (i.e., grey/gray literature)
  • Allows you to search within a site
  • One way to find more reliable sources is to limit by the following domains with the limiters
    • "Domain Limiters" - ( .com, .edu, .gov, .mil, .org ) 
      • For example,
        • autonomous vehicle
        • postal service
        • case study

For example

  • autonomous vehicles
  • postal
  • case study


Crowe, S., Cresswell, K., Robertson, A., Huby, G., Avery, A., & Sheikh, A. (2011). The case study approach. Bmc Medical Research Methodology, 11(1), 1–9.

Research Databases

A database where you can find articles from thousands of scholarly journals

Searches for journal articles in biomedicine. Citations are from MEDLINE and other medical and life science journals

Scopus let's you search peer-reviewed literature, including scientific journals, books and conference proceedings

Allows you to search for articles from all disciplines of civil engineering

Allows the user to search for journal articles and technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics disciplines

Is a multidisciplinary database that allows you to search for articles from scholarly journals in all areas of research


Clinical Case
Studies (CCS)

A peer-reviewed &
amp; published bi-monthly
electronic only is the
only journal devoted
entirely to innovative psychotherapy case
studies & presents cases involving individual, couples,
family therapy.

Case Studies
in Construction Materials

A journal of rapid
publication of short, structured Case
Studies on construction
materials and related
Short Communications, specialising in actual case
studies involving real
construction projects.