Your student organization will produce a variety of records. But what materials should you send to the University Archives to document your history?
We are interested in collecting analog (paper based) and digital materials in the following areas:
- Governance records: By-laws, constitutions, charters, annual reports, mission statements, policies and procedures
- Correspondence: incoming and outgoing communications, letters, emails
- Administrative files: meeting agendas and minutes, handbooks, rosters, membership lists, registers
- Publications: newsletters, journals, announcements, petitions
- Promotional materials: flyers, brochures, posters, event programs, invitations
- Photographs: digital images, prints, and negatives of events and activities, scrapbooks, photo albums
- Audiovisual materials: recordings of activities, events, and meetings
- Online content: we can archive your group's website, blog, or other online content
Scroll through the gallery below for examples of materials in our student organization collections!