To search for journals, you can go to Duke Libraries' Online Journals page, or use one of the following databases to find articles:
Search for articles and interviews related to rock music
Search for news articles from the New York Times from 1851-2019
Search a collection of important scholarly journals representing a range of disciplines.
Search for scholarly literature from a range of disciplines; many articles available through Duke Libraries. Add Duke Libraries under 'Library Links' in your GS settings.
Search for articles from scholarly journals in all areas of research
Search for news, business, legal, medical, and congressional information. Note: formerly named Lexis Nexis Academic.
You can search CDs and vinyl records on the Music Library homepage. Click the "recordings only" button to limit search to CDs and records.
Many CDs have liner notes with information and musical analysis.
You can search album reviews on these websites:
The library subscribes to hundreds of specialized databases on subject areas ranging from engineering to art history. Here's how to begin using subject-specific databases:
Can't find the article? Request articles that Duke doesn't own using interlibrary requests.