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Low Maintenance Book Club

Who We Are

The Low Maintenance Book Club provides space for members of the Duke community to connect over reading.  Realizing how busy people are (and how much reading you probably have to do for classwork and research), we focus on quick reads.  We will read texts like short stories, graphic novels, interesting short essays, poetry, etc.  We hope you will join us for some fun and thought provoking conversations!

ONLINE: Big Books Edition: Don Quixote

It’s almost summer, and that means it’s time for the Low Maintenance Book Club Big Books Edition! This year, we’ll be reading Don Quixote, sometimes described as a founding novel of Western Literature and/or the greatest work ever written. Do you agree? Let’s discuss!

Since this work is especially epic, we’ll cover it over four meetings. The third discussion will take place on Thursday, July 18th at noon over Zoom and will cover the second part from the dedication through chapter XXXVI. Although you’re welcome to read any translation, we recommend works by Grossman, Raffel or Jarvis.

Our first discussion took place on Wednesday, May 22nd and covered Part I & II.

Our second discussion took place on Thursday, June 20th and covered Part III & IV

Although the readings are longer, the low maintenance attitude is the same. Join as you like, discuss as much as you want--or just hang out and enjoy the company. Everyone is welcome. Just RSVP so we know how many to expect, and we’ll send out a Zoom link the morning of the meeting.