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MIDP Master's Projects

International Development seminar; Profs. Fernholz, Lethem, and Mirovitskaya

How to Use this Guide

This guide suggests resources--reference books, library databases, search engines and web links--to use for researching your Master's Projects. Use this table of contents or click on each tab to see each page.

Duke Libraries Portal

The Duke University Libraries site is your portal to all our services and resources.

Search & Find to access books, e-journals, databases that index hundreds of journals each, and more.
The default search 'Books and more' is for our catalog.

Using the Libraries most useful links:

You can search our website by using the main search feature, then navigate to the "Our Website" section in the results.  Here are some especially useful sites.

Suggested Library Databases for Finding Journal Articles

The following databases are specific to fields related to public policy, such as economics and sociology.

You can also browse all of our databases by subject.

Writing and Citing

Prof. Mirovitskaya's document links to guidelines for writing papers, citing sources, and avoiding plagiarism.

See also
Citing Sources
Research Tools on this guide under Strategies