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Trade Data Sources: Data Sources

Aggregated Data

General printed sources to help get an idea of total trade flows between countries or commodity flows into or out of a single country, but not commodities from one specific country to another specific country.

Direction of Trade Statistics. Yearbook and Direction of Trade Statistics Quarterly
From the International Monetary Fund (IMF); available through the IMF eLibrary as PDF documents.

Data also available through a custom extraction tool at the IMF Data site.
Also in paper: Most recent Yearbook at Perkins/Bostock Ref. Desk HF1016 .D574  For paper or microfiche Quarterlies, see catalog.

FAO Statistical Yearbook.
From the Food and Agriculture Organisation. Includes trade movements of agricultural commodities.

Includes contents of the former FAO Yearbook.Trade, which is also available in paper. Paper goes back to 1958 under various titles at HD9000.4 .T7.  The Yearbook of Food and Agricultural Statistics includes both trade and production statistics before then, back to 1947 at HD1421 .Y4 (at LSC).

International Trade Statistics Yearbook. Perkins/Bostock Ref. U.N. ST/ESA/ STAT/ SER.G/
From the United Nations.

Latest edition in Reference UN (Perkins Reference, 1st Floor), older at LSC.

WTO Annual Report.
From the World Trade Organisation. See Library Catalog for older editions.

Commodity-Level Data