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East Asian Resources for Teachers: Evaluating & Citing

Resources for K-12 teachers on East Asia: general and country specific (China, Japan, Korea); visual resources; local North Carolina resources.

Citing Internet Sources

Li, Xia and Nancy B.Crane, "Electronic Styles: A Handbook for Citing Electronic Information". 2nd ed.  Medford NJ: Information Today, 1996

Janice Walker, The Columbia Guide to Online Style

Anita Greenhill, ed. "Electronic References & Scholarly Citations of Internet Sources," Guide to a number of citation guides.

Search Engines

  1. Duke University Libraries Research Guide
    This is an extensive guide on doing library research beginning with choosing a topic and finding resources. The site is organized by research steps. It also has information on evaluating websites and citing them.
  2. Search Engines
    AltaVista | Ask | Excite | Google | HotBot | Lycos | Yahoo!Search
    Best used for: finding specific sites or specific information.
  3. Metasearch Engines
    DogPile | Ixquick | Metacrawler | SavvySearch
    Best used for: searching for obscure keywords; getting an overview of what's available.
  4. Directories
    Academic Info | Britannica | INFOMINEInternet Public Library | Librarian's Internet Index | Open Directory | PAIR (Portal to Asian Internet Resources) | Yahoo!
    Best used for: browsing subjects; finding quality web sites.
  5. Portals
    Excite | | Lycos | Yahoo!
    Best used for: finding the most popular types of information (weather, stock quotes, sport scores, etc.).