These general resources are meant to provide starting points for reading more about the digital humanities and academic libraries. More specific resources and technical information about boot camp topics is available in each subcategory to the left.
A conversation with Laura Braunstein, Digital Humanities and English Librarian at Dartmouth. Interviewer: Joshua Kim. Inside Higher Ed, August 17, 2016.
Hosted by the ALA, dh+lib is "communal space where librarians, archivists, LIS graduate students, and information specialists of all stripes can contribute to a conversation about digital humanities and libraries." (About)
Perhaps the most thorough and useful starting point for learning about DH and Libraries, the dh+lib Readings page offers links to both general resources and more focused scholarship on the role of libraries and librarians in DH.
A bibliography developed by Miriam Posner. It hasn't been updated in a few years, but it remains a useful and comprehensive starting point for reading about the digital humanities and academic libraries.
By Janet Hauck. College & Undergraduate Libraries 24.2-4 (2017). Hauck describes using a DH partnership among faculty and librarians as an opportunity to teach parts of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.