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German Studies Materials in the Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Search our Catalog!

We have many resources related to religion in Germany or published in Germany. Try a wide-ranging search for "Religion" as a subject keyword in our catalog and limit the region to Germany here or to items published in German here.

German Judaica

To get at some of our large collection of printed material related to the German Jewish experience, try a wide-ranging search for "Judaism" as a subject heading in the Rubenstein catalog and limit to works in German here, or search for "Jewish" as a subject heading in German here.

You can then also limit according to date range, if you'd like. Our collection is particularly strong in works from the 19th and 20th centuries. Or you can limit according to a particular interest.

Try searching works in German with subject headings such as "Jews -- Germany," "Jewish ethics," "Jewish literature," and "Jewish philosophy," among many others.

Learn more about our collection of German Judaica on our blog! Check out relevant entries here.

Martin Luther and the Reformation

We have many items related to Martin Luther, the Reformation, and the Counter-Reformation.

To find many of these items you could search for "Reformation" as a subject heading limited by language (German) and publication year (before 1800) here.

Or search for "Luther, Martin, 1483-1546" as a subject heading limited by language (German) here.

Searching for "Lutheran Church" as a subject heading yields many results in German and in English, from Europe and from early settlers in the United States, and you can limit the search according to your needs.